Thanks for signing up to work at the Purdue football game this Friday, 9/22.
Yes, That is FRIDAY!
Just wanted to give a few last minute instructions. If you signed up multiple people, it is your responsibility to get them this information!
First, if you have changed your mind and are not planning to work, email or text me now!
- Levy is requiring all volunteers to complete an online orientation for volunteers. THIS IS FOR EVERYONE! Please watch this training and request the training certificate at the end. Put L J C B for the Group name and also after your name at the end for the certificate request.
Est. Completion Time: 45 minutes – 1 hour
Send to , when finished.
- If you have an alcohol permit and haven’t already done this, please send me the permit number, or a copy of the application information and receipt if you haven’t received your permit in the mail yet. You need to have your permit(or application info) on you while working Saturday. Also, please send me your server training certificate. Please follow this link if you do not have a training certificate à
- Parking – Purdue reserves parking for volunteers at the Turf Research Field on Cherry LN just west of the Purdue Golf Complex. Cherry LN will be one-way from the west, so you’ll want to come from US-231 or McCormick Rd. The turf field entrance is a long lane, lined with trees. Don’t drive by or you’ll have to drive clear around, about 4 miles, to get back. AT THIS TIME WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT TIME THE SHUTTLE WILL START, SO YOU SHOULD BE PREPARED TO WALK TO THE STADIUM. (About 1.3 miles or 25 minutes) ALSO IT HAS CHANGED THIS YEAR THAT THE SHUTTLE WILL START IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE GAME. Parking alternative – Since you will be getting there so early, you can usually find parking on a city street between West Lafayette High School and the stadium. This would be a little closer walk, but spots fill up fast.
- Check-In
- Check in and out at GATE G and go through security. *** This is new this year ***
- Arrival time is 3:15pm-4:30pm. Please allow for parking and walking to stadium, and arrive at Gate G by 4:15 PM. If you can’t be there by 4:30PM, please let me know ASAP!
- Bring as little as possible with you.
- At the check-in table , look for the Jeff Choirs binder, and sign-in on page “Exhibit F” and pick up your credentials.
- Any minors(16-17 year olds) should turn-in their signed permission slip at the check-in table, “Exhibit G”(attached or get copies at music office from Mrs. Ply). THIS IS REQUIRED AT EVERY GAME.
- Proceed to stand C123 (Cradle of Burgers) to sign-in on the choir sign-in page, get your shirt and stand assignment.
5. Dress Code
- Choir boosters will provide a shirt or if you purchased one of the concession shirts, please wear it.
- Khaki, black or dark jean pants (NO SHORTS, but long skirts will be permitted for religious reasons) No holes or rips in pants! Capri pants are allowed but must be cut just above ankle.
- Closed toe shoes or tennis shoes (no flip-flops or sandals, non-slip preferably)
- Black hat (hair must be pulled back), Purdue, or Jeff Hat (Although Purdue has hats, it is best to bring your own because they run out fast)
- No excessive jewelry. No earrings larger than a nickel. No facial jewelry. Wedding band is permitted.
- Credentials (issued at check-in)
Stand Assignments – Our stand is C123, Cradle of Burgers. We may also have people placed in other stands as assigned by Levy.
Let me know if you have any questions.