What is SCRIP?
SCRIP is a fundraising program that directly benefits individual student’s accounts. SCRIP certificates/cards are from regional and national merchants (grocery stores, restaurants, and retail stores) and are purchased at full face value and are used just like cash. SCRIP certificates cards are purchased from Jeff Choir Boosters; a percentage is earned for each certificate purchased and is applied to individual student’s accounts.
SCRIP Forms:
Click Here for the SCRIP Registration Form
Click Here for the SCRIP Order Form
Click Here for SCRIP Payless/Kroger Information
How does SCRIP work?
SCRIP certificates/cards are ordered by completing the order form, and payment (checks made payable to Jeff Choir Boosters SCRIP) are placed in the SCRIP mailbox located in the Music Department hallway across from the Administration Office. The deadline for receipt of SCRIP certificate/card orders is 6:00 p.m. every Thursday for distribution of certificates the following week.
Distribution of SCRIP certificates/cards ordered by the deadline will be distributed at the Jefferson High School Reception Desk: Thursday evenings from 5:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. (during the school year)
SCRIP earnings are accumulated in each family’s SCRIP account and “paid-out” to the individual student’s account on the last day of every month.
Who Do We Contact?
Choir Secretary: Peggy May
765-772-4700 ext. 2900