Indiana Volunteer Alcohol Permit Application and Training

Indiana Volunteer Alcohol Permit Application and Training

Step 1

Step 2

Click on First Time Application

Step 3

Under “Search” enter your Birth Date & SSN. Then click “Search”

Step 4

Fill out the entire First Time Applicants page. Then click “Register”

Step 5

On the Licensing Home Page click on “Initial Application” on the far left side of the screen

Step 6

On the Application for Licensure Page select the following

  • Profession – Alcoholic Beverage
  • License Type – Volunteer Employee Permit
  • Obtained By Method – Online

Click on “Start Application”

Step 7

After reading the cost which will be a total of $18.87 click on “Next Step”

Step 8

Click on “Complete”

Step 9

Complete Application Questions and click on “Confirm”

Step 10

If you have any documents to upload do so here “Document Upload” if not click on “Complete”

Step 11

Review Application Summary if everything seems in order click on “Pay Fees”

Step 12

On the Fees page click on “Pay Fees”

Step 13

The total will be $18.87 fill in your information and click on “Next”
